Melbourne Copywriter. For Hire.
Good words. Will travel.
Based in Melbourne, my words journey far and wide. Because that's the beauty of hiring a freelance copywriter, I'm like your brand's hideaway creative ninja – waiting in the shadows for opportunities to strike... *hi—yah*!
So from a trusty, dusty MacBook Pro – I spin, sling and scribe attention-grabbing and persuasive words for Melbourne brands and businesses. And some global companies too. And I do it in style, wearing some designer clear-rimmed spectacles.

From innovative German tech startups to boss-lady NYC party planners, my knack is expressing the essence of brands through words – simply, distinctly and creatively.
Yet creativity is subjective. It means something different for every brand and business owner. So that's a big part of my job – determining what creativity means for you and how it can help. Because from there, we can best unleash it to boost your communications and better connect with your audience – across any medium or channel.
And the truth is, this always begins with words.
Stronger Brands Start With Words
Not elaborate typefaces. Not fancy design. Not hyper-animated videos.
Forget all the flashy brand presentation elements for just a second and consider this: wherever your brand shows up, you're saying something.
Something genuine to your brand. Something compelling for your audience. Something unique to what you offer.
And that something — unequivocally — is words.
And getting those words right — initially — is downright essential.
Because from there, every touchpoint and channel aligns to communicate that message. {At least, it should} Your unique message flows through to your mission, values, campaigns, web copy, and social media content – trickling down to the micro-copy on your email signature.
I suppose you're now starting to see the importance of copywriting.
So, I'll ask you this:
What's the true cost of lousy copy for your brand?
Copywriting That Makes Design Look Good
Think: when your designer's job is to shape words and content, why wouldn't you give them the best words and content to shape?
Also: why spend hard-earned dollars on making assets look pretty without investing the same value in what they're saying?
Unfortunately, this is the case for many brands, time and time again. They spend a tonne of time and money on pretty design, flashy websites, and glitzy social media assets, yet their copy is an afterthought — a last-minute splash of sub-par words slapped together by the work experience kid. Or worse, left up to the designer whose job isn't to write.
Now, this isn't to say designers or work experience kids can't write — there are surely exceptions to job description. But forcing them to write your copy is crucial time out of what you're paying them — or not paying them — to do. And if words aren't their forte, your designs — aka. your precious brand — isn't being given the best chance to succeed in the wild.
Copy First, Then Design
Collaborating with many graphic designers, web designers, and art directors has taught me what they value and how to best work with them. And the universal fact is: the more publish-ready copy supplied upfront, the better the final result.
See, providing designers with all the elements gives them greater time and freedom to play. Because in an ideal world, they're not designing with placeholder text but with your real, copywriter-polished copy.
Aside from being a smoother process, this approach provides more in-depth insight into what's to be communicated through design — producing a more balanced and holistic outcome.
Remember, copywriting shouldn't be an afterthought, but a first-up step in any design task. So beware of creative processes or agencies that don't value copy and design equally. They're both critical to the success of your brand and should work hand-in-hand to ensure seamless, top-quality results.
Copywriting That's Not A Copy Of A Copy
When brands copy other brands' content, it generally becomes hogwash.
Asides from being unlawful and unethical, the quality of copy gets more diluted the more times it gets copied — alongside Google penalising duplicate content. But worse yet, copying brings you no closer to effectively connecting with your customers and prospects on a way that's authentic to your offer. So is copying worth the risk?
No matter your brand, you need distinct, ownable, and original copy and content — crafted explicitly to your communication needs and audiences' wants. So if that's the kind of high-quality, razor-sharp copywriting you're looking for, great. Get in touch and we can discuss working together. If not, go and be a copycat. (You'd be surprised at how well people may not notice. And more surprisingly how well they don't notice your brand...)
And if you're in Melbourne, excellent. We can meet up and chat all things brand and copywriting at one of my local coffee haunts. Outside of Melbourne? Don't be alarmed. I have the internet and a mobile phone. So working together will still be breezy.